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Blue Mirror makes the difference for PPE-fatigued hospital staff

PPE support that hospital staff can rely on.

Blue Mirror’s Artificial Intelligence program which assists wearers in the safe donning and doffing of PPE equipment, has received high praise from Bradford Teaching Hospitals where 100% of users surveyed would recommend Blue Mirror as a training tool.

35 hospital staff including healthcare assistants, support workers, doctors, midwives, physiotherapists, and nurses were introduced to the software on tablets in their hospitals and were taken through the process of the correct procedure for the safe application of PPE. Each staff member experienced the process of donning and doffing their PPE under the real-time, watchful eye of Blue Mirror’s AI.

Blue Mirror is able to accurately identify whether the user has missed a step or not completed a step to the standards required for example, hands haven’t been washed for 20 seconds, the user hasn’t put the gloves on covering their wrists/gown, or a mask not detected. To see the CorrMed video on how it works click here.

  • 100% of users agreed and strongly agreed that Blue Mirror helped support their memory retention of the order to don and doff PPE compared to 65% with previous PPE training methods

  • 100% of users agreed and strongly agreed that Blue Mirror improved their sense of safety compared to 75% with previous PPE training methods

  • 95% of users agreed and strongly agreed that Blue Mirror was easy to use.

  • 100% of users recommended Blue Mirror as a training tool

CorrMed has received widespread and enthusiastic approval of the device’s merits in teaching donning and doffing and after such a positive evaluation, many more organisations throughout the UK are seeking to the Blue Mirror AI PPE training .


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