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Using AIRsteril for odour control

Stop masking bad odours by spraying fragrances:
eliminate them instead with an AIRsteril air purification unit 

From body odour in crowded places, to damp, humid smells in toilets, odours can be an embarrassing problem. Most solutions rely on masking the smells with fragrances and air fresheners, or try to minimise the problem with regular cleaning. Neither of these actually remove the problem, however, so why not use an alternative which does!

Introducing air purification units from AIRsteril, which eliminate odours and the bacteria which cause them, providing a lasting, effective solution to the problem.

How does air sterilisation work on odours? 

Whether you’re dealing with body odours, toilet smells or smelly areas of your business e.g. waste storage or cellars, the majority of these smells are caused as a side-effect of bacteria. Where there is bacteria, there are odours. Other smells can then linger, produced either by processes such as smoking, or by volatile organic compounds in the air. The result: bad smells that you’d rather not talk about.

Air purification units use a combination of scientifically proven technologies to permanently remove the odour-causing issues in a room, permanently eliminating them.


That means no more odour masking fragrances are required, and you won’t need to clean as regularly, just to control the odours.


AIRsteril units specifically work in the air and on surfaces, using three processes within the unit, and then producing Plasma Quatro which circulates in the air and performs three further purification processes.


It is these combined that help eliminate odours and provide a lasting, 24/7 solution to the problem.

Image by Wilhelm Gunkel

Effective Solutions For: 

Anywhere that you have an embarrassing or unpleasant odour, AIRsteril can provide a discreet, effective solution. There are a number of AIRsteril units in the range, each with their own target areas, but here’s the most effective ones for odour elimination:

Odour control is one of the significant benefits of AIRsteril units, managing everything from smelly bins to lingering smoke, body odour to toilet smells. 

Odour control is one of the significant benefits of AIRsteril units, managing everything from smelly bins to lingering smoke, body odour to toilet smells.  


Introducing a unique blend of six different technologies

Helping to manage the COVID challenge in buildings

Helping to improve staff health and wellbeing

see how AIRsteril helped to reduce call centre absenteeism by 54%

Helping to manage the COVID challenge in buildings

Sick building syndrome

find out how AIRsteril is helping businesses manage their infection risk

Bell & Cross Case Study

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