Do any of these apply to your business vehicles? If so, AIRsteril is your solution:
multiple employees drive my vehicles; they are a shared space
we regularly have sick people in our vehicles such as ambulances, search & rescue and medical examiner vehicles
we want to protect our employees from illness as best we can
we carry high odour products in our fleet such as animals or waste products
we carry perishable goods and it is essential that these arrive in the best possible condition
some of my team smoke in and around our vehicles, and leave behind smoke odour
we have to clean our fleet all the time which causes wear and tear on the soft furnishings
I run a rental fleet and lots of different people access the same vehicles. I need to manage odours left behind including smoke and dog smells.
Introducing AIRsteril, a revolutionary air purification technology that can be used to eliminate bacteria and viruses to protect your staff and users, combat odours and smoke residue, and reduce the cleaning wear and tear on your vehicles. AIRsteril offers a quiet, affordable, non-invasive solution which can be moved from vehicle to vehicle or permanently installed.
What is air sterilisation?
Often referred to as air purification, several cutting-edge technologies are combined into a handy portable or wall-mounted unit, designed to clean and purify air, and eliminate pathogens and nasties. Air is treated, before being released back into the atmosphere along with a substance called Plasma Quatro. The Plasma then goes to work in the wider environment, settling on surfaces and moving through the air, degenerating bacteria, viruses and spores in as little as 60 minutes. This means odour elimination, infection control and less cleaning needed.

Why is it effective?
Odours, bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other nasties are in the air around us and will settle and become trapped within vehicles, particularly by the soft furnishings. To keep your employees safe and give them a pleasant working environment, this means plenty of cleaning and odour management.
Installation of air sterilisation units provide a proactive, 24/7 management of this risk, not only eliminating surface viruses, bacteria and pathogens, but also eliminating airborne ones too. It works to 100% clear a vehicle in as little as 60 minutes, providing ongoing infection management and odour controls. The systems are low-cost, cost-effective, low-maintenance, don’t require filter changes and can even help reduce your overall cleaning costs.

Which units are most suitable?
There are a variety of AIRsteril unit designs, but two which work best for vehicles. These are:
Multipurpose MP100 – the AIRsteril mobile version, which can be moved from vehicle to vehicle with your cleaning team or used when a specific need arises e.g. a high odour load
Custom Vehicle – designed for use with larger vehicles including lorries and trailers, the custom vehicle unit will be tailored to your vehicle size.

Infection control in medical vehicles
AIRsteril is already installed in more than 1,000 ambulances globally and can be retrofitted to any vehicle. The systems are NHS and UK Ambulance Service approved to decontaminate ambulances and medical vehicles including search and rescue. AIRsteril uses a combination of scientific air and surface purification technologies including germicidal irradiation, photocatalytic oxidation, hydroxyl radicals, superoxide ions and optional ozone, to filter and kill airborne pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi, mould spores and allergens, at the same time removing unpleasant smells and harmful gases. Testing by the HPA and Leeds University found that airborne microorganisms were undetectable after just 60 minutes.
This means that:
it can extend the deep cleaning cycle by one month, offering cost savings and improved efficiency as the ambulance is on the road longer
no venting time required
it is quick to set-up and works continuously
tried and tested in the NHS and ambulance environments.
Managing perishable loads
When transporting goods of a perishable nature such as meat or fruit and vegetables, it is essential that the goods arrive in the best possible condition. Refrigeration and quality storage will be responsible for much of this, however loss of product condition is mostly the result of natural decay processes caused by bacteria. AIRsteril manages and eliminates 99.9% of bacteria in the air and on surfaces helping to eliminate the threat of product decay. This maximises the likelihood that goods will arrive in the condition in which they were collected, and also acts as a failsafe should refrigeration fail.