Pinfields Accountants Invest in Customer and Staff Health
Pinfields Limited was created by a merger in 2003 of two long established, Midlands based, accountancy practices; H F Pinfield & Co and Foster and Company.
Pinfields Chartered Accountants have a reputation for providing high quality financial advice in an efficient and friendly manner. As a small company (Pinfields employ around 30 staff) the workforce is an extremely important asset to the success of the firm. Concerns were raised in the summer of 2019 when sickness levels increased by 44% with increased reports of headaches and sore throats. Opening the windows is difficult for those with hayfever and air conditioning would cause some people to be overly cold. During the autumn / winter of 2019/20 the levels of sickness increased further.
The company implemented a tracking system for undescribed illness and found that the impact of the illness was costing the company thousands of pounds each week in lost productivity. Planned leave is managed in advance, but unannounced absence has significant knock-on effect for the business and meant they got behind in many key projects.
Pinfields Limited knew about AIRSteril, as they had been using it on the gentleman’s washrooms where they had an odour problem. The odour control had worked very well there, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, this brought a new challenge.
As a company committed to the welfare of their staff, they wanted to protect them from infection both from each other and from clients. The business was very quick to lock down sending all staff to work from home on March 17th, for which the team were very grateful. A return to work strategy was developed early on, with a combination of strategies to support them as a business including hand sanitisers, temperature gun, removing touch points and finally reducing paper. However, how to manage the infections in the air would need an air-based technology, and so Pinfields returned to CorrMed to discuss deploying AIRSteril throughout their business premises.
Coincidently whilst specifying the AIRSteril rollout into the offices, one of the Pinfields team contracted COVID-19. This really brought it home to Pinfields how vulnerable they all are and how introducing air and surface sterilisation was an essential investment for the company to protect its staff and its future.
Nick Pinfield, Managing Partner at Pinfields Limited says “Pinfelds strives to invest in our team whether it be skills, mental health or physical health. Through implementing AIRSteril we were doing our bit to invest in our team’s health and wellbeing, and that of their families, as well as protecting the business from unnecessary absenteeism.”
Since the installation the team has commented on how much cleaner the air feels and what a great environment it is to work in. Incidentally, reports of hayfever symptoms have also decreased due to the cleaner, filtered air.
To discover how to implement an AIRSteril system in your office please contact info@corrmed.com